6.68: Interlude – Five Months






46 thoughts on “6.68: Interlude – Five Months

  1. I loved this chapter in that I loved the way you starkly contrasted Erik and Harper’s lives. It was heartbreaking to see how little progress Harper is making by not letting Ivy in. That contrasted against Erik and Rubi’s blossoming and apparently healthy relationship was sad. I’m happy for Erik. He looks so good. At the same time my heart breaks for Harper because she still seems a bit of a mess. And those pictures with Phoenix- it really brings it home how really awful it is for her in prison.

    Bravo! ❤️

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Thanks, Audrey! I’m glad you liked the contrast between how things have been going for these two. Harper is definitely somewhat stagnant right now when it comes to letting Ivy in, whereas, like you said, things with Erik and Rubi seem to be taking off pretty well. Harper just won’t let Ivy in 😦 And we’ll find out why over the next few chapters!

      And yeah, being away from her baby is really miserable. Especially missing his birthday! That’s going to be the subject of most of tomorrow’s chapter, actually. Poor Harper 😦

      Liked by 4 people

  2. Aww, what a great way to show the passage of time–I loved the touch of Phoenix getting some hair. Is Harper still holding out for Erik? Why is she pushing Ivy away when she’s obviously into her?

    It was terrible to see Erik and her parents (and best dog Tomato) celebrating Phoenix’s birthday and not Harper. 😦

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Thanks, glad you liked this one! It was fun to put together. As for Harper’s reasons, well, tomorrow’s chapter is going to give us a little insight there, and then we’ll get more in a few chapters. She has a little list of reasons… But you may be on the right track for what one of them is 😉

      And yeah, that was a little punch in the gut there at the end, sorry haha. All the people who love Phoenix got to be there for his birthday… Except one 😥

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I have to start by saying just how adorable Phoenix is as a toddler. He is absolutely precious!!! ❤

    OMG!!! Erik and Rubi kissed then did the WooHoo!!! Yessss!!! I ship it 😀 I love seeing them getting closer to each other. They look so happy and he deserves it. He's also such a loving father, seeing him with Phoenix put such a big smile on my face 🙂 I wonder if he will visit Harper one day? I wonder how she would take it? Especially finding out that he's found somebody. Even though she knows it's over between them, I wonder if deep down she might have had hope that they could've worked things out or maybe, again, she feels she's undeserving of such love?

    Harper really doesn't seem ready at all or feel she's worthy of Ivy's affection either 😦 It breaks my heart to see her feel this way. Harper has such a loving soul and I hope she realises it one day. She's starting to slowly takes steps forward with her friendships and getting on better with her parents.I'm so happy to see her starting get get on better with them all and being a little more open. She always has a smile on her face or is laughing around them, but when she's alone the sadness seems to creep in. Ivy notices it and I think Katie does too. It would've been absolutely heartbreaking to miss her son's first birthday 😦 I hope that she talks it out with Dr. S or someone else. It just seems so sad to see her down on herself. Seeing her with her son though was beautiful, she would do anything for him ❤ I am curious to find out what she's thinking and going through right now. *gives Harper a hug*

    Haha 😀 The picture of Phoenix on his birthday with the family is beautiful! Seeing Erik embrace and kiss his son is so touching and then watching Tomato lick the cake had me giggle (That's what it looks like at least) 😀 The only sad part is that Harper couldn't be there to share in the joy 😦 I have faith that she will one day though! I picture a very happy future ahead for them all….in the end at least, gotta have some Phoenix gen drama 😛

    I always love your wordless chapters. You are so talented at creating a story with just pictures that can convey so much meaning ❤ Thank you for this beautiful chapter, I loved it and look forward to seeing what happens next 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Nessy! ^_^ I’m really happy for Erik and Rubi too… and, well, let’s just say your questions about how Harper might feel learning he’s moved on might be answered within the next few chapters… 😉

      We’ll also get more info on why Harper keeps pushing Ivy away like she has been… There’s some stuff going on in her head that she hasn’t told us yet, not even in her journal 😛 (But speaking of her journal, we WILL get to hear from her about missing Phoenix’s birthday in tomorrow’s chapter 😦 )

      Thanks for reading! (And I’m glad you liked that birthday picture 🙂 It was a pose I made myself. And you’re right — Tomato is stealing a little taste of the cake 😉 Hehe)

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      1. Oooh! Yay! I look forward to finding out more about what’s going on in Harper’s head and I have a feeling I’m going to have tears in my eyes with tomorrow’s chapter when she talks about Phoenix 😦 (I’m so emotional 😀 I cry with movies and books all the time, even with a horror movie once. I felt sorry for the character LOL!)

        Haha 😀 Cheeky Tomato! You made a beautiful pose! ❤

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  4. Sorry, Harper is totally sabotaging the ship right now! 😮 And hehe Zayne makes some pretty delicious cakes, so even Tomato could not resist sneaking a taste! 😉

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  5. I love your wordless chapters, because they’re so effective at displaying something. Here it’s like Harper Vs. Erik.
    Harper, you should let Ivy in ❤ Though, then again, just because relationship wise she is struggling to open up doesn't mean she isn't making progress emotionally. Talking to her father was a big step, so I think Harper is doing just fine. If anything, Harper might come out stronger while Erik and this chick crumble. (I want happiness for both of them, but finding love in rehab is dangerous. I've mentioned that I've spent time in psychiatric hospitals when I was 16, and like, dating of any kind is absolutely prohibited for a multitude of reasons, but one being it's very easy to become consumed with each other's problems and fall behind because of it.)
    Also, Phoenix is looking super duper cute ❤ He's going to be a heart throb.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Glad you enjoyed this one, and liked seeing the parallel between Harper and Erik! You’re right that Harper is making progress in her own way… Just not in the relationship area 😛

      As for Erik and Rubi, I think you’re right about the big risks there. I think the reason things might not be totally hopeless for the two of them is that they both found each other when they were both pretty far into their recovery (especially her — she’s been off drugs for over two years at this point. That’ll come up in a future chapter!) Erik held back at first with her because he was afraid of bringing her down, but in the end they couldn’t help the attraction haha. For now, I think they’re both actually helping to lift each other up. But you never know when things could change!


  6. Harper. Is. Gonna. Be. Pissed.

    I can see everything sliding backwards into victim-hood. “I waited for you! I got myself thrown in jail because I loved you! I did everything I did to try and make you happy, to make *your* life better! And you run around on me, on our son, with some junkie floozy you met in rehab?!”

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hahahaha I fear your prediction isn’t outside the realm of possibility… I will tell you that Harper does learn about Erik’s new relationship in a couple chapters. And, well, you’ll see how she reacts… 😉

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    1. Hahaha yup, he finally got his own apartment (one that probably looks familiar… 😛 Gotta love the premade San Myshuno apartments hehe)

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  7. This is a nice little montage. I appreciate that both Erik and Harper are getting their shit together, but they do it at different paces. Harper’s still working on herself, and it’s still a struggle, but she’s moving, however slowly she needs to.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks! They’re definitely moving at very different paces (especially regarding new relationships… 😛 ) but progress is being made! Which is so awesome for both of them! 😀

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  8. Dark WitcHazard: Seems like we won’t be in jail for much longer! Good she can’t relaspe and do much damage to any one while she’s behind bars! Also yuck Erik progress I’m going to be sick! 🤢🤮 Much better! I mean come on nobody has any resent towards him based on the fact that he waits for the person he was in a relationship with life to hit rock bottom and now he can get better where’s the bus to run over this guy!

    Emotional WitcHazard: Good for Erik his life on the up! Although situations do change circumstances I do agree somewhat with Dark but not against Erik personally just it could have had better timing!

    Lover WitcHazard: Love is in the air for Erik can’t say the same for Harper dearest! I think she needs more healing personally!

    Nooboos WitcHazard: Alright Erik glad you’re in a good place however if Pheonix ever has a slip up and calls her mommy you’re both dead!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    Shipper WitcHazard: Harper still needs more me time sorry Ivy if you want it to work don’t rush it let it play out naturally!

    Anti Shipper: Well isn’t obvious Harper doesn’t seem to have much longer on her sentence and it feels like Ivy just got here if they start something what will happen when she gets out and she still in prison! Harper doesn’t need that once she gets out the only relationship she needs to focus on is her son’s end of discussion!

    Dark WitcHazard: Also how long we have left on this sentence Katie’s to I kinda want this roomies situation to continue! I mean Katie doesn’t have anywhere to go might as well let her live in Rosebrook manor they got the room!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great insights as always from the WitcHazards! Haha Dark and Emotional make good points about Erik’s poor timing! Though I don’t think there was any malicious intent on his part… just unfortunate timing, like Emotional said!

      Lover might be right that Harper needs some more healing. More time might be needed for Harper to be ready… if she ever is! As Anti said, prison romance could be pretty risky…

      Thanks for reading!!!!


  9. Omg I am so here for Erik being a sweet daddy and getting his life together and finding a lovely woman to do it with ❤

    I might be in the minority but I think it's good that Harper isn't all in for Ivy immediately. I mean, they're in the same prison… that seems like it would bring about many more issues than being in the same support group. I understand that they're attracted to each other but I appreciate that Harper is being cautious for once (although she probably has different motives).

    I also love that you made toddler Phoenix bald at first to show his growth more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe I had a feeling you’d be happy about Erik’s progress 😉

      And I think you make a great point about how risky a relationship in prison would be! As for Harper’s motives, well, she actually has multiple haha those are going to come to light over the next several chapters. Stay tuned! 😉

      Thanks, sonnie!

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      1. I mean, the only issue I have with Erik’s progress is that his girl is blonde and freckled and not, y’know, dark-haired and named Sonniejj 😉 (I kid, I kid … maybe)

        Also, I am reading this from a hotelroom in Verona (as in, Romeo and Juliet’s Verona, which is making me think of Mark and Joce..). Recently my life has been crazy and all over the place, in a great way!, but I really love following your story and the structure it gives me. It’s nice to have something you can count on when you’re far from home. So thank you so much for your consistent uploads, I love every single one of them ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh wow, sounds like you’re having lots of adventures! ❤️ I’m glad that my story means that much to you. That’s so sweet of you to say!

          Enjoy fair Verona! 😉


  10. 1. Rubik is THE BEST! ❤
    3. I can't tell how I feel with this Poison Ivy situation. On one hand, Harper seems to enjoy FLIRTING with Ivy and then rejecting her when things get the slightest bit romantic. On the other, Ivy keeps getting rejected but keeps falling back to chasing Harper. Harper just seems to enjoy the flirting part (sort of dragging Ivy along) without actually committing to Ivy. I get it, you're in prison and you're sort of unsure if your inside choices will carry outside those walls. You're scared because you have a son that you want to get better for. Maybe you think a fellow con won't help you or are you being hypocritical and thinking that a con shouldn't be around your son? Humpfffff. I can't figure Harper out when it comes to Ivy and it just makes me feel bad for Ivy. Ivy should take a hint (not to be rude) and back away from Harper romantically. Poor girl, just playing with fire over there.

    (Sorry for the long comment! Just lots of thoughts today)

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    1. 1. Hehehe I’m glad you like them! I really love them together. Their relationship was a huge risk — two recovering addicts definitely have the potential for disaster. But these two really lift each other up ❤️
      2. Thank you! I think he’s so precious! 😍 He has good genes hehehe
      3. I totally understand your mixed feelings about these two. We are going to get more info about why Harper is so hesitant soon. As for Ivy, I think it’s really confusing for her because Harper pushes her away, then the next minute is being so flirty and alluring and it draws Ivy right back in :-/

      Hopefully Harper can make up her freaking mind soon! Haha we shall see…

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    1. Hopefully she can eventually! In a few chapters we will get to find out why Harper keeps holding back.


  11. Awww…I was rooting for Harvy in this! I wonder why Harper is so shy about it? She knows her bi-identity. But I guess we’ll find out later what’s going on with her.

    I am in support of Erik and Rubi. They look very sweet together. And it’s nice he’s finally clean and acting like the adult he is.

    That year old pic was adorable. Poor Harper though. 😦

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    1. Yeah, we will find out later what her deal is with Ivy! It gets mentioned tomorrow, but we get even more details a few chapters after that. Our girl has a little laundry list of excuses 😂

      And yeah, Erik and Rubi make a cute couple, don’t they? 🙂 I think they both lift each other up and understand one another very well. And he’s come such a long way from the Erik we knew before!

      And yeah… poor Harper 😭 That bday pic was really fun to take, but so heartbreaking too.

      Thanks, pammie!


  12. I’m glad things are going well for Erik. I’m not rooting for Harper and Ivy at all, but I wonder what Harper’s deal is. She’s giving her mixed signals and probably still trying to figure herself out. Maybe she just likes looking at women but doesn’t necessarily want to be with them?

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    1. We’ll get more insight into what Harper is thinking on that subject in a few more chapters… she has… a lot of complicated thoughts and feelings when it comes to that haha

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  13. OH COME ON, HARPER! You like her, and for the looks of it, se cleary has been trying for a veeeery long time to be with you! So just do it! I hope the ship is able to happen, and if it does, I do wonder how will the family dinamics be in the house, as, who will Phoenix end up with..?That drama aside, everything else is going good, including Erick’s situation, mayyyyybeee Harper will get jealous of Erick, as he has a new love, and got his life together, and she hasn’t?

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    1. Hahaha Ivy tries because after she pushes, Harper keeps letting her guard down and giving Ivy mega-hints LOL And Ivy really wants her bad 😛

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  14. Those screenshots are so good. And I almost chuckled at Tomato licking the cake. Reminds me of something my sister’s dogs would try to do whenever there was food on the table. Also, little Phoenix is so precious.

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