3.7: Confused

I messed up.

And now everyone hates me.

But they just don’t GET it!

I was already still kinda mad about what happened the other day at the park, but I was trying to make myself forget about it. “Move on”, or something. That’s what grownups always say you should try to do, right? And I almost did, too.

But then tonight at dinner… Tobi ruined EVERYTHING.


He called Jonas our Papa!

How could he say that?!

He’s a traitor! And not just to me… To our real Papa. He’s still out there somewhere. Someday he’ll come home. And when he does, stupid Tobias will see that he was WRONG.


Anyway, Jonas and Mama were SO happy. And that just made me even MORE mad. None of them care how I feel or what I think!  It’s just not fair!

But… I know I shouldn’t have yelled.


I try really hard to keep it inside. But sometimes it just kinda comes out. Like tonight.

Everyone looked so sad. Mama, Tobi, Jonas… Even Tante Gabriela and my grandparents. I made them all so upset. And that made ME even more upset. UGH!


Tobi tried to talk to me after dinner. And usually he’s pretty good at making me feel better… But not tonight. He kept telling me I was being mean to Jonas. He said I should say I’m SORRY!

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Like I said, he just doesn’t get it.

After he left, I heard Mama coming… No one ever wants to leave me alone. It sucks stinks. But then Jonas stopped her. “I’ll talk to him.” I heard him say.

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Oh no. Even worse.

I knew there was NO WAY it was gonna end good.

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But… Then it kinda did.

And now I just feel really confused.

He didn’t yell at me. He didn’t tell me to say sorry. He didn’t say I made him feel sad.

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He asked me if I was okay. He said I never have to call him Papa if I don’t want to. He told me he hopes we can still be friends…

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And I kinda didn’t know what to say. So I just sorta shrugged.

Then he tried to hug me.

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And then he left me alone.

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You know how in the movies the stepparents are always super creepy and scary and evil and mean?

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I think it would be a lot easier if Jonas was like that.

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30 thoughts on “3.7: Confused

  1. Awww. I like that he knows he made everyone sad and is kinda sorry. He’s different from his mom in that way when she was his age…and even after lol.

    You’re gonna hate me for noticing, but why is there a picnic basket in their room?! LOL

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Yeah, Stefan isn’t a bad kid. He just kinda can’t help how he feels…

      And LOL for decoration? XD JoieWilder re-vamped the entire Rosebrook house for me for this Gen, and did all the decorating, so I guess this question would be best geared toward her? 😛

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I told her about the boys’ personalities/interests to help her come up with how to decorate the rooms… And Stefan (when he gets his other two traits) will be a genius who loves the outdoors, so she made his room look very scholarly. So I always liked the wicker baskets because it looks like they’re older/antique almost, like he collected them. And the picnic basket would fit for him loving the outdoors XD But that’s just my own personal rationale, idk 😛

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! ^_^ I really liked this one too (even though it’s so short!). And yes, Stefan does like Jonas! 🙂 that’s why he made that comment at the end — it would be a lot easier for him if he DIDN’T like Jonas haha 😛 Thanks for reading!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That would be awesome, wouldn’t it? We’ll see what happens though. There is a lot ahead for their family… Haha 😛 Thanks for reading!


  2. This comment is going to sound rather mean but Stefan get the hell over it. Your 9(I think) and all I did at that age was play games and study. Don’t get emotionally invested things you don’t even know much about, like how to make a baby and what custody is. Jonas, be harder on him act like an actual dad and instead of just being nice, be more fatherly and tell him off of he’s done something bad and take his diary of him. #dealwithit


  3. I feel bad for the kids, I mean they could possible never know who their real father is how can you tell your children that you don’t know who there real father is? I’m glad that Tobias gets along with Jonas I hope Stefan at least becomes friends with Jonas instead of being mean to him.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I feel bad for them too! (And Mari… Like you said, how do you tell your children that? And Jonas… Haha I feel bad for all of them, really. I’m so mean to my poor characters!).

      By the way, hello and thank you for reading! ^_^ I noticed this is your first comment. I’m really happy that you are taking the time to read. I appreciate it so much ❤


      1. No problem!, I love your story so far and yes I feel so bad for all them to I love Mari and Jonas they are cute together Mari’s kids are so adorable I just hope Stefan will start to like Jonas.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I love how you always show the same situation from different perspectives. We really get to know the boys’ characters. I still feel so bad for the entire family. Things have finally gotten better but they’re still struggling with last experiences. I guess that’s life, but I sure hope things will get better soon for the Rosebrook household!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! And yes, things are so rough right now for my poor Rosebrooks. I am mean! 😛 Hopefully they’ll get better soon? Thank you for reading!


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